Why you should consider an e-reader
I have talked about e-readers before and why I love them for my ADHD, but today I thought about some more arguments on why all people would like them.
I talked about a lot of good points in the other article. Books are heavy. You can take your whole library everywhere. You can switch books faster. You can read in the dark without extra things. You can read in different positions more easily. The books don’t get damaged. You can read easily anywhere, even in the bathtub (thanks to some models being waterproof).
That’s the great thing about e-readers, but e-readers are fun because of another reason as well: you can literally curate HOW you read. Book fonts are subjective, but I dislike most printed book fonts, and they are a strain on my eye to read, if they are too small, and pocket-size books, which are more portable, have smaller font sizes.
For people like me, that wear glasses or lenses, it’s fun to know that you can just make the font size bigger and adust the backlighting of the page so they don’t strain your eyes either. Yes, you can read on your cellphone as well, and they do have apps for most libraries you can buy books for online, but reading from e-paper is more pleasant.
I bought my first e-reader about a decade ago and I absolutely loved the primitive thing. My kindle literally goes everywhere with me, when I have to leave the house for an appointment and I know I have to wait, so that I can get some reading in. I read at busstops, waiting rooms, public toilets, everywhere.
Another plus for those that are not wealthy, and don’t want to go to the library (as for me, I hate seeing books that have anything physically wrong with them, most of my books are in mint condition, and I can’t stand a book in any other condition, I know this is weird), an e-reader offers cheaper price for the book, but you still support the author of the book you are reading.
Yes, digital books can get expensive as well, and generally aren’t that much cheaper than paper books. Some are even the same price, which I think is weird considering that they cost less to produce.
My tactic? I put all the books I want in a fiction and non-fiction list on amazon and wait until they go on sale, which is regularly. Maybe not the books you want, but sometimes you get lucky and you get a discount on the book you want and if that discount is significant enough, you can snatch up the book. It also helps me with impulse buying books I feel passionate about in that moment, but might delete later from the list, when my brain isn’t so excited about the thing any more.